LFS 学习日记(浏览第4、5章)

2010年03月15日 星期一 15时27分59秒

The new instance of the shell is a non-login shell, which does not read the /etc/profile or .bash_profile files, but rather reads the .bashrc file instead.
非登录shell会首先读 /etc/bash.bashrc (Ubuntu9.04下),这不会对LFS的编译环境形成不良影响吗?

For many modern systems with multiple processors (or cores) the compilation time for a package can be reduced by performing a "parallel make" by either setting an environment variable or telling the make  program how many processors are available.
目前Intel Atom N270都是单核心,支持Intel的超线程技术,即一个核心可以模拟成多个核心,所以你的设备管理器和任务管理器都显示这是双核, ( http://wenda.tianya.cn/wenda/thread?tid=6a439a94e733ccb5 ),不知道这种单核超线程的模拟成多个核心的CPU可否支持"parallel make"模式,如果支持的话是否有明显的提速效果呢?
因为是初次学习LFS,初步决定还是不用尝试这种 "parallel make"

The test suites for GCC and Glibc can take a very long time to complete, especially on slower hardware, but are strongly recommended.
Because the tools built in Chapter 5 are temporary and eventually discarded, we do not recommend running the test suites in Chapter 5 for the average reader.

2010年03月16日 星期二 15时05分25秒
