我加入这个学习日记小组,是为了学习更多的知识,也磨炼一下自己,我很想学习JAVA和英语方面的知识,有利于我以后的发展需要,我也很希望能为你们做点什么,但是,我的专业知识还很弱,我希望能在此实现我现在的目标,以后,还请你们多多帮助了啊 ,我在此谢谢你们。
give up the mind of sending daughter to school
A mind of sending daughter to a kinder garten,most is her mother's,has been given up.
the teacher of the school said our daughter is too young.After asking some friends who have sent their child to kinder garten and observing some children in the school,my wife told me she had given up the mind above.
However,I don't agree much with the mind of sending daughter to school at beginning.
summary last week
NCE :listen and write,L 85-89,remember these lessons except L88;
BoBing Gramma:may be P330-390;
word:high school,about 120,with method named 'I';the words is a fatal place for me,must fight it.
can the CVS operate a non-text file?
for example:a image or sound or a sort of uml file?I knew the change of a text file can be recognized by the CVS and can be limited a change in some lines.
but,I think a non-text file should there is not return character and new-line character in it.
java 系?架??中
中期目?:java 系?架??
我用weblogic + jbuilder + mssqlsever2000 采用池联接。我们的JDBC联系数不断在增加(根我判断,是因为我用完一个方法以后,这个连接还是标识为忙。)。但是我已经对它作了释放处理了,不过还是没有用啊。
package com.csbook.documentsystem;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.*;
public class Vistit {
Context ctx = null;
DataSource ds = null;
SysLog log = null;
ChangeEncoding ce = null;
public Vistit() {
try {
ctx = new InitialContext();
ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("MyDataSource");
catch (NamingException e) {
// 建立一个日志类的实例
log = new SysLog();
public void addInFactoryReg(String no, String name, String company,
String people, String reason, String certif) {
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
String temptime = "";
String intime = "";
//temptime = TimeString.getNowTime("HH:mm:ss");
//intime =temptime.substring(8);
try {
StringTokenizer st = null;
ArrayList temp = getTemp();
Object data[] = temp.toArray();
String card_number = "";
System.out.println("data.length" + data.length);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
st = new StringTokenizer((String) data[i]);
card_number = ce.changeCharset(st.nextToken());
int card_no = getNoCount("card", "card_no");
addInFactoryReg(card_no, no, card_number);
//String sqlInsert = "insert into visit(visit_no,visit_mark,visit_name,visit_company,visit_reason,visit_certif,visit_intime) values (" +no+ "," +mark+ "," +name+ "," +company+ "," +reason+ "," +certif+ "," +intime+ ")";
// String sqlInsert = "insert into visit(visit_no,visit_mark,visit_name,visit_company,visit_peopleCount,visit_reason,visit_certif,visit_intime) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'" +intime+ "')";
String sqlInsert = "insert into visit(visit_no,visit_name,visit_company,visit_peopleCount,visit_reason,visit_certif) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
con = ds.getConnection();
ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlInsert);
ps.setString(1, no);
ps.setString(2, name);
ps.setString(3, ce.changeCharset(company));
ps.setString(4, people);
ps.setString(5, ce.changeCharset(reason));
ps.setString(6, certif);
//System.out.println("sqlInsert" + sqlInsert);
//System.out.println("no" + "visit_no");
catch (Exception e) {
finally {
package com.csbook.documentsystem;
import javax.sql.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class Close {
public void close(){
public static void connnectionClose(Connection con){
if (con != null)
try {
catch (SQLException ignore) {}
public static void prepareStatementClose(PreparedStatement ps){
if(ps != null)
catch(SQLException e) {}
public static void resultSetClose(ResultSet rs){
if(rs != null){
catch(SQLException e){}
received repaired lengend Electric Dictionary
The old one which is LP5500 couldn't be repaired,after about 3 months,repairing man returned me another one which is LP5800 through my friend ZhangBing.But,I found the new one has no data transfering function.even so,I am happy for this,I didn't think I can get one again after so long time.
Unsubscribe three kinds of maillist of ArgoUML
I have recieved over 1300 letters from ArgoUML's maillist in this one month!So I unsubscribed three kinds of maillist of ArgoUML and only keep available for Annonce maillist of it.
When should daughter go to kinder garten?
MiMei has been catched cold about a week and has returned to normal today.Her mother and I took her go to play by the Big River this afternoon.
I found there are two things should be noticed concerning my daughter.One is when should she go to kinder garten and another is eating by herself beacause she is interesting with eating with little scoop now and we shouldn't hit her passion of eating by herself.