8.1. Operators

Chapter 8. Operations and Related Topics

8.1. Operators

1、Example 8-1. Greatest common divisor最大公约数的算法不懂,里面的练习:判断命令行参数是否是整数不懂,记在这里。


3、Example 8-2. Using Arithmetic Operations


我知道 let "z = 2 + 3" 相当于 (( z = 2 + 3 )),根据:

Similar to the let command, the ((...)) construct permits arithmetic expansion

and evaluation.


      10 : $((n = $n + 1))

      11 #  ":" necessary because otherwise Bash attempts

      12 #+ to interpret "$((n = $n + 1))" as a command.

2)、      20 n=$(($n + 1))


      23 : $[ n = $n + 1 ]

      24 #  ":" necessary because otherwise Bash attempts

      25 #+ to interpret "$[ n = $n + 1 ]" as a command.

      26 #  Works even if "n" was initialized as a string.


      29 n=$[ $n + 1 ]

      30 #  Works even if "n" was initialized as a string.

      31 #* Avoid this type of construct, since it is obsolete and


      32 #  Thanks, Stephane Chazelas.

5)、      44 : $(( n++ ))       # : $(( ++n )) also works.

6)、      47 : $[ n++ ]         # : $[ ++n ]] also works


Bash does not understand floating point arithmetic. It treats numbers containing a decimal point as strings.


if [ $condition1 -a $condition2 ] 相当于 if [[ $condition1 && $condition2 ]]


6、Example 8-3. Compound Condition Tests Using && and ||

6 if [ "$a" -eq 24 ] && [ "$b" -eq 47 ]

17 #  Note:  if [[ $a -eq 24 && $b -eq 24 ]]  works.

20 #    (The "&&" has a different meaning in line 17 than in line 6.)


7、不懂 $((...))的用法

     bash$ echo $(( 1 && 2 )) $((3 && 0)) $((4 || 0)) $((0 || 0))

     1 0 1 0


1、Modulo turns up surprisingly often in various numerical recipes.


An operation that takes a variable outside these limits will give an erroneous result.

3、flip, relevant, fly

"Bit flipping" is more relevant to compiled languages, such

as C and C++, which run fast enough to permit its use on the fly.

4、miscellaneous operators


All the operations are evaluated (with possible side effects), but only the last operation is returned.