install ubuntu from internet, train your patient

It is a long progress to install ubuntu from internet, about 5 hours, although I install it though 1M ADSL. If there are CDROMs of ubuntu, that's a good thing. We can order it from internet without pay! Maybe, I should give a try?

Ubuntu is a beautiful linux OS. It is bases on Debian Linux and take the advantage and discard shortage of it. There are some differents between it and Redhat Linux, for example, no root user can login with normal way as it is in Redhat; we can't start a text mode linux with the way in Redhat Linux, and it take "apt" program instead of "rpm" in redhat linux to install program, etc..

I need learn the basic operations in the text mode, so I need resolve login into text mode directly in ubuntu.  

In order to translate word, I register an account at, I think I can get lots of help from this famor website:)

2 thoughts on “install ubuntu from internet, train your patient”

  1. 应该写一下是怎么做的。
    另外 ubuntu 没有 for mips的版本。 不知道怎样才可以做出一个 mips版本的ubuntu呢。

  2. 方法如:Ubuntu网络安装,一年半前我是在单位的局域网中的电脑上进行的网络安装,具体怎么做的我也忘了 🙁

    不过,我发现在早上用 apt-get 命令安装软件速度往往可以在100KB/S (1M ADSL) 以上,所以网络安装选在早上可能会快很多。

    关于 ubuntu for mips 的情况,我也不大清楚。

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