
  今天下载了一个blog离线写作工具-w.bloggar,按步骤设置后,提示: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: You have not enabled Blogger API support for your 可我明明已经在站点设置中设置了开启blogger API?搞不懂是怎么一回事了。

  rss客户端软件通过xmlrpc来与blog sever交流,blog sever提供一些约定的rpc方法供rss客户端调用。

  例如:在w.bloggar 的Faq中说:

What is w.bloggar?

The w.bloggar is an application that acts as an interface between the user and one or more blog(s); in other words, it is a Post and Template editor, with several features and resources that the browser based blog editors do not offer.

Because w.bloggar runs over the Windows GUI, it allows the user to edit posts without being connected to the Internet. Posts can be saved locally; and anytime the user wants to publish a new text, one click on the w.bloggar icon in the system tray brings up the editor, and one more click will post it to the weblog.

Another great advantage of w.bloggar is that it is compatible with most of the weblog systems available, allowing an advanced user to have only one interface to several accounts hosted on several different sites, using different publishing systems.

To communicate with the weblog, w.bloggar requires that the blog system have implemented an API (Application Programming Interface.) Currently, w.bloggar is compatible with all tools that implements Blogger API, metaWeblog API, MovableType API and b2 API; all based on the XML-RPC definition.

2 thoughts on “今天在matrix的blog中试用blog客户端软件:w.bloggar不成功”

  1. 本来以来blog.matrix.org.cn的xml-rpc是关闭的,今天偶然看到这篇帖子,才知道是开着的。也许是我的w.bloggar的设置有误,也许是这个网站先没有开这个功能,后来开的。




    博客接口,通常都是XML-RPC,标准也有多种:MetaWeblog API, bloggerV1, MovableType API。

    博客服务商 博客系统 API标准 API地址 备注

    my.donews.com WordPress metaWeblog, BloggerV1, MovableType  http://my.donews.com:80/用户登录名/xmlrpc.php 已测试支持

    blog.matrix.org.cn Roller metaWeblog, BloggerV1  http://blog.matrix.org.cn:80/xmlrpc 已测试支持

    http://www.blogjava.net (博客园系列) 疑似.Text metaWeblog http://www.blogjava.net/用户登录名/services/metablogapi.aspx 已测试支持

    http://www.blogbus.com 未知 BloggerV1 http://rpc.blogbus.com/blogger 未测试

    http://www.i170.com 未知 MovableType http://www.i170.com/xmlrpc.do 未支持

    http://www.pjhome.net Pjblog2.5 MovableType http://你的Blog根目录/xmlrpc.asp 未支持

    http://www.rainbowsoft.org ZBlog metaWeblog   未测试










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