(转帖)Wiring Your Web Application with Open Source Java(1)



[注:这个翻译任务是从matrix的文档wiki那里看到的,我的英文水平只能勉强看懂,但是翻译它是一举三得:学技术、学英语、为网络学习作贡献,听说这篇文章在csdn上有人翻译了,可我就是没有找到,有人找到了在这里告诉一下,以免大家重复劳动。我采用从粗到精的翻译方法,先忽略细节,按我的理解粗翻一遍,然后再请大家指正,精确化细节问题。-admin ]

Tags: java spring struts hibernate programming

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Wiring Your Web Application with Open Source Java

by Mark Eagle



Building non-trivial web applications with Java is no trivial task. There are many things to consider when structuring an architecture to house an application. From a high-level, developers are faced with decisions about how they are going to construct user interfaces, where the business logic will reside, and how to persist application data. Each of these three layers has their own questions to be answered. What technologies should be implemented across each layer? How can the application be designed so that it is loosely coupled and flexible to change? Does the architecture allow layers to be replaced without affecting other layers? How will the application handle container level services such as transactions?


There are definitely a number of questions that need to be addressed when creating an architecture for your web application. Fortunately, there have been developers that have run into these reoccurring problems and built frameworks to address these issues. A good framework relieves developers from attempting to reinvent the wheel for complex problems; it is extensible for internal customization; and it has a strong user community to support it. Frameworks generally address one problem well. However, your application will have several layers that might require their own framework. Just solving your UI problem does not mean that you should couple your business logic and persistence logic into a UI component. For example, you should not have business logic with JDBC code inside of a controller. This is not the functionality that a controller was intended to provide. A UI controller should be a lightweight component that delegates calls to other application layers for services outside the UI scope. Good frameworks naturally form guidelines where code should be placed. More importantly, frameworks alleviate developers from building code such as persistence from scratch and allow them to concentrate on the application logic that is important to a client.


This article will discuss how to combine several well-known frameworks to achieve loose coupling, how to structure your architecture, and how to enforce a consistent design across all application layers. The challenge is combining frameworks so that each layer is exposed to each other in a loosely coupled manner, regardless of the underlying technologies. This article will discuss one strategy for combining frameworks using three popular open source frameworks. For the presentation layer we will use Struts; for our business layer we will use Spring; and for our persistence layer we will use Hibernate. You should be able to substitute any one of these frameworks in your application and get the same effect. Figure 1 shows what this looks like from a high level when the frameworks are combined.


Figure 1. Overview of framework architecture with Struts, Spring, and Hibernate.

图1用Struts, Spring, 和 Hibernate框架构建的概览

Application Layering

Most non-trivial web applications can be divided into at least four layers of responsibility. These layers are the presentation, persistence, business, and domain model layers. Each layer has a distinct responsibility in the application and should not mix functionality with other layers. Each application layer should be isolated from other layers but allow an interface for communication between them. Let's start by inspecting each of these layers and discuss what these layers should provide and what they should not provide.



The Presentation Layer



Related Reading


Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook

By James Elliott

Table of Contents


Sample Chapter

Read Online--Safari Search this book on Safari:


 Only This Book All of Safari

Code Fragments only



At one end of a typical web application is the presentation layer. Many Java developers understand what Struts provides. However, too often, coupled code such as business logic is placed into an org.apache.struts.Action. So, let's agree on what a framework like Struts should provide. Here is what Struts is responsible for:


Managing requests and responses for a user.

Providing a controller to delegate calls to business logic and other upstream processes.

Handling exceptions from other tiers that throw exceptions to a Struts Action.

Assembling a model that can be presented in a view.

Performing UI validation.



处理从其它层掷出给一个Struts Action的异常;



Here are some items that are often coded using Struts but should not be associated with the presentation layer:

Direct communication with the database, such as JDBC calls.

Business logic and validation related to your application.

Transaction management.

Introducing this type of code in the presentation layer leads to type coupling and cumbersome maintenance.





The Persistence Layer

At the other end of a typical web application is the persistence layer. This is usually where things get out of control fast. Developers underestimate the challenges in building their own persistence frameworks. A custom, in-house persistence layer not only requires a great amount of development time, but also often lacks functionality and becomes unmanageable. There are several open source object-to-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks that solve much of this problem. In particular, the Hibernate framework allows object-to-relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate has a medium learning curve for Java developers who are already familiar with SQL and the JDBC API. Hibernate persistent objects are based on plain-old Java objects and Java collections. Furthermore, using Hibernate does not interfere with your IDE. The following list contains the type of code that you would write inside a persistence framework:


在典型web应用的另一端是持久层。这通常是使事情很容易失控的地方。开发者低估了建造他们自己的持久层框架的挑战性。机构内部自己写的持久层不仅需要大量的开发时间,而且缺少功能和变得难以控制。有几个开源的“对象-关系映射”(ORM)框架非常解决问题。尤其是,Hibernate框架允许“对象-关系持久化”和Java查询服务。Hibernate对那些已经熟悉了SQL和JDBC API的Java开发者有一个适中的学习曲线。Hibernate持久对象是基于简单的老的Java对象和Java集合。此外,使用Hibernate不会被你的IDE干扰。下面的列表包含了将写在一个持久层框架里的代码类型:


Querying relational information into objects. Hibernate does this through an OO query language called HQL, or by using an expressive criteria API. HQL is very similar to SQL except you use objects instead of tables and fields instead of columns. There are some new specific HQL language elements to learn; however, they are easy to understand and well documented. HQL is a natural language to use for querying objects that require a small learning curve.


Saving, updating, and deleting information stored in a database.


Advanced object-to-relational mapping frameworks like Hibernate have support for most major SQL databases, and they support parent/child relationships, transactions, inheritance, and polymorphism.


Here are some items that should be avoided in the persistence layer:


Business logic should be in a higher layer of your application. Only data access operations should be permitted.


You should not have persistence logic coupled with your presentation logic. Avoid logic in presentation components such as JSPs or servlet-based classes that communicate with data access directly. By isolating persistence logic into its own layer, the application becomes flexible to change without affecting code in other layers. For example, Hibernate could be replaced with another persistence framework or API without modification to the code in any other layer.


The Business Layer

The middle component of a typical web application is the business or service layer. This service layer is often the most ignored layer from a coding perspective. It is not uncommon to find this type of code scattered around in the UI layer or in the persistence layer. This is not the correct place because it leads to tightly coupled applications and code that can be hard to maintain over time. Fortunately, several frameworks exist that address these issues. Two of the most popular frameworks in this space are Spring and PicoContainer. These are referred to as microcontainers that have a very small footprint and determine how you wire your objects together. Both of these frameworks work on a simple concept of dependency injection (also known as inversion of control). This article will focus on Spring's use of setter injection through bean properties for named configuration parameters. Spring also allows a sophisticated form of constructor injection as an alternative to setter injection as well. The objects are wired together by a simple XML file that contains references to objects such as the transaction management handler, object factories, service objects that contain business logic, and data access objects (DAO).




The way Spring uses these concepts will be made clearer with examples later in this article. The business layer should be responsible for the following:

Handling application business logic and business validation

Managing transactions

Allowing interfaces for interaction with other layers

Managing dependencies between business level objects

Adding flexibility between the presentation and the persistence layer so they do not directly communicate with each other

Exposing a context to the business layer from the presentation layer to obtain business services

Managing implementations from the business logic to the persistence layer









The Domain Model Layer

Finally, since we are addressing non-trivial, web-based applications we need a set of objects that can move between the different layers. The domain object layer consists of objects that represent real-world business objects such as an Order, OrderLineItem, Product, and so on. This layer allows developers to stop building and maintaining unnecessary data transfer objects, or DTOs, to match their domain objects. For example, Hibernate allows you to read database information into an object graph of domain objects, so that you can present it to your UI layer in a disconnected manner. Those objects can be updated and sent back across to the persistence layer and updated within the database. Furthermore, you do not have to transform objects into DTOs, which can get lost in translation as they are moved between different application layers. This model allows Java developers to work with objects naturally in an OO fashion without additional coding.




Author: test


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     日记标题 (转帖)Wiring Your Web Application with Open Source Java(1)  作者: guest  创建时间: 2005-12-28 20:55:32  最近更新: 2005-12-30 20:57:54  我要评论  



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    [注:这个翻译任务是从matrix的文档wiki那里看到的,我的英文水平只能勉强看懂,但是翻译它是一举三得:学技术、学英语、为网络学习作贡献,听说这篇文章在csdn上有人翻译了,可我就是没有找到,有人找到了在这里告诉一下,以免大家重复劳动。我采用从粗到精的翻译方法,先忽略细节,按我的理解粗翻一遍,然后再请大家指正,精确化细节问题。-admin ]

    Tags: java spring struts hibernate programming

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    Wiring Your Web Application with Open Source Java

    by Mark Eagle



    Building non-trivial web applications with Java is no trivial task. There are many things to consider when structuring an architecture to house an application. From a high-level, developers are faced with decisions about how they are going to construct user interfaces, where the business logic will reside, and how to persist application data. Each of these three layers has their own questions to be answered. What technologies should be implemented across each layer? How can the application be designed so that it is loosely coupled and flexible to change? Does the architecture allow layers to be replaced without affecting other layers? How will the application handle container level services such as transactions?


    There are definitely a number of questions that need to be addressed when creating an architecture for your web application. Fortunately, there have been developers that have run into these reoccurring problems and built frameworks to address these issues. A good framework relieves developers from attempting to reinvent the wheel for complex problems; it is extensible for internal customization; and it has a strong user community to support it. Frameworks generally address one problem well. However, your application will have several layers that might require their own framework. Just solving your UI problem does not mean that you should couple your business logic and persistence logic into a UI component. For example, you should not have business logic with JDBC code inside of a controller. This is not the functionality that a controller was intended to provide. A UI controller should be a lightweight component that delegates calls to other application layers for services outside the UI scope. Good frameworks naturally form guidelines where code should be placed. More importantly, frameworks alleviate developers from building code such as persistence from scratch and allow them to concentrate on the application logic that is important to a client.


    This article will discuss how to combine several well-known frameworks to achieve loose coupling, how to structure your architecture, and how to enforce a consistent design across all application layers. The challenge is combining frameworks so that each layer is exposed to each other in a loosely coupled manner, regardless of the underlying technologies. This article will discuss one strategy for combining frameworks using three popular open source frameworks. For the presentation layer we will use Struts; for our business layer we will use Spring; and for our persistence layer we will use Hibernate. You should be able to substitute any one of these frameworks in your application and get the same effect. Figure 1 shows what this looks like from a high level when the frameworks are combined.


    Figure 1. Overview of framework architecture with Struts, Spring, and Hibernate.

    图1用Struts, Spring, 和 Hibernate框架构建的概览

    Application Layering

    Most non-trivial web applications can be divided into at least four layers of responsibility. These layers are the presentation, persistence, business, and domain model layers. Each layer has a distinct responsibility in the application and should not mix functionality with other layers. Each application layer should be isolated from other layers but allow an interface for communication between them. Let's start by inspecting each of these layers and discuss what these layers should provide and what they should not provide.



    The Presentation Layer



    Related Reading


    Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook

    By James Elliott

    Table of Contents


    Sample Chapter

    Read Online--Safari Search this book on Safari:


     Only This Book All of Safari

    Code Fragments only



    At one end of a typical web application is the presentation layer. Many Java developers understand what Struts provides. However, too often, coupled code such as business logic is placed into an org.apache.struts.Action. So, let's agree on what a framework like Struts should provide. Here is what Struts is responsible for:


    Managing requests and responses for a user.

    Providing a controller to delegate calls to business logic and other upstream processes.

    Handling exceptions from other tiers that throw exceptions to a Struts Action.

    Assembling a model that can be presented in a view.

    Performing UI validation.



    处理从其它层掷出给一个Struts Action的异常;



    Here are some items that are often coded using Struts but should not be associated with the presentation layer:

    Direct communication with the database, such as JDBC calls.

    Business logic and validation related to your application.

    Transaction management.

    Introducing this type of code in the presentation layer leads to type coupling and cumbersome maintenance.





    The Persistence Layer

    At the other end of a typical web application is the persistence layer. This is usually where things get out of control fast. Developers underestimate the challenges in building their own persistence frameworks. A custom, in-house persistence layer not only requires a great amount of development time, but also often lacks functionality and becomes unmanageable. There are several open source object-to-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks that solve much of this problem. In particular, the Hibernate framework allows object-to-relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate has a medium learning curve for Java developers who are already familiar with SQL and the JDBC API. Hibernate persistent objects are based on plain-old Java objects and Java collections. Furthermore, using Hibernate does not interfere with your IDE. The following list contains the type of code that you would write inside a persistence framework:


    在典型web应用的另一端是持久层。这通常是使事情很容易失控的地方。开发者低估了建造他们自己的持久层框架的挑战性。机构内部自己写的持久层不仅需要大量的开发时间,而且缺少功能和变得难以控制。有几个开源的“对象-关系映射”(ORM)框架非常解决问题。尤其是,Hibernate框架允许“对象-关系持久化”和Java查询服务。Hibernate对那些已经熟悉了SQL和JDBC API的Java开发者有一个适中的学习曲线。Hibernate持久对象是基于简单的老的Java对象和Java集合。此外,使用Hibernate不会被你的IDE干扰。下面的列表包含了将写在一个持久层框架里的代码类型:


    Querying relational information into objects. Hibernate does this through an OO query language called HQL, or by using an expressive criteria API. HQL is very similar to SQL except you use objects instead of tables and fields instead of columns. There are some new specific HQL language elements to learn; however, they are easy to understand and well documented. HQL is a natural language to use for querying objects that require a small learning curve.


    Saving, updating, and deleting information stored in a database.


    Advanced object-to-relational mapping frameworks like Hibernate have support for most major SQL databases, and they support parent/child relationships, transactions, inheritance, and polymorphism.


    Here are some items that should be avoided in the persistence layer:


    Business logic should be in a higher layer of your application. Only data access operations should be permitted.


    You should not have persistence logic coupled with your presentation logic. Avoid logic in presentation components such as JSPs or servlet-based classes that communicate with data access directly. By isolating persistence logic into its own layer, the application becomes flexible to change without affecting code in other layers. For example, Hibernate could be replaced with another persistence framework or API without modification to the code in any other layer.


    The Business Layer

    The middle component of a typical web application is the business or service layer. This service layer is often the most ignored layer from a coding perspective. It is not uncommon to find this type of code scattered around in the UI layer or in the persistence layer. This is not the correct place because it leads to tightly coupled applications and code that can be hard to maintain over time. Fortunately, several frameworks exist that address these issues. Two of the most popular frameworks in this space are Spring and PicoContainer. These are referred to as microcontainers that have a very small footprint and determine how you wire your objects together. Both of these frameworks work on a simple concept of dependency injection (also known as inversion of control). This article will focus on Spring's use of setter injection through bean properties for named configuration parameters. Spring also allows a sophisticated form of constructor injection as an alternative to setter injection as well. The objects are wired together by a simple XML file that contains references to objects such as the transaction management handler, object factories, service objects that contain business logic, and data access objects (DAO).




    The way Spring uses these concepts will be made clearer with examples later in this article. The business layer should be responsible for the following:

    Handling application business logic and business validation

    Managing transactions

    Allowing interfaces for interaction with other layers

    Managing dependencies between business level objects

    Adding flexibility between the presentation and the persistence layer so they do not directly communicate with each other

    Exposing a context to the business layer from the presentation layer to obtain business services

    Managing implementations from the business logic to the persistence layer









    The Domain Model Layer

    Finally, since we are addressing non-trivial, web-based applications we need a set of objects that can move between the different layers. The domain object layer consists of objects that represent real-world business objects such as an Order, OrderLineItem, Product, and so on. This layer allows developers to stop building and maintaining unnecessary data transfer objects, or DTOs, to match their domain objects. For example, Hibernate allows you to read database information into an object graph of domain objects, so that you can present it to your UI layer in a disconnected manner. Those objects can be updated and sent back across to the persistence layer and updated within the database. Furthermore, you do not have to transform objects into DTOs, which can get lost in translation as they are moved between different application layers. This model allows Java developers to work with objects naturally in an OO fashion without additional coding.






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