

  The html:link tag renders an HTML anchor tag (i.e., a hyperlink). This tag uses a lot of the same common

attributes as described earlier.You have multiple options for rendering the URL of a hyperlink. You can use the

href, action, forward, or page attributes to specify the URL.

 The href attribute is used to specify a full

URL without any knowledge of the web context of this web application.

 The page attribute is used to specify a

web context relative link.

 The action attribute is used to specify a link to an action mapping, as described in the

Struts config file.

 The forward attribute is used to specify a link to a global forward, as described in the Struts

config file.

Tip: TIP: If you are following a Model 2/MVC architecture, then you should use the page attribute and

the href attribute sparingly. In fact, you should almost never use the page attribute. The href

attribute should only be used to link to resources that are not in the current web application. This helps

you separate the controller from the View by not letting the View select the next View directly. Only the

controller should select the next View. Using the action and forward attributes instead forces you

to delegate selection of the next View to the controller.

Here is an example of linking to an action (/html-link.do) with the page attribute:

<html:link page="/html-link.do">

Linking with the page attribute.


Notice that you do not have to specify the web context of the web application. Conversely, if you used the href

attribute, you would have to specify the web context as follows (where the context is struts-exercise):

<html:link href="/struts-exercise-taglib/html-link.do">

Using Href


Obviously, it is better to use the page attribute when you are linking to things in the same web application (thus,

the same context). You can also use the href attribute to create links that are not on the same server as follows:



Using Href


Another way to link to the html-link.do action is to use the action attribute as follows:

<html:link action="/html-link">

Using Action attribute
