


From: "Michiel van der Wulp" <mvw@tigris.org>  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert 

To: users@argouml.tigris.org

Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 09:28:35 +0100

Subject:  Re: [argouml-users] A question about drawing activity diagram for extends usecases


Hi Dashing,


Nice colourful diagrams!


>> Can I draw the activty diagrams of a usecase and

>> all its extends usecase in one activity diagram?


Yes. Since the extends are steps that only happen conditionally, it would be nice to show the condition in the diagram, too. You already did this in the other activity diagram in two ways: with a Junction state (the diamond), and with a Guard - I think both are OK. The junction slightly preferred if people that only know flow-charts have to read the diagrams.


One other remark on usecases, which seem to be confused by many, is the difference between include and extend.

An include is comparable with a subroutine: it is always executed, and (usually) only pulled out from the main usecase because it is common with other usecases. An extension is something that happens on a condition somewhere along the path.





----- Original Message -----

From: Dashing Meng

To: umlchina@yahoogroups.com ; users@argouml.tigris.org ; 炜 张

Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 4:40 AM

Subject: [argouml-users] A question about drawing activity diagram for extends usecases


  Can I draw the activty diagrams of a usecase and all its extends usecase in one activity diagram?here is my usecase diagram:


this is my activty diagram:


my unfinished ArgoUML0.18.1 model:



thanks a lot.

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