the outline of javauml

1.unified process:

1)at a minimum,all process will produce class,sequence,and use-case diagram;

2)chapter 2:

this chapter examines how uml,coupled with a sound software process model,such as the unified process,can produce...ever-changing...

3)chapter 3:establishing the project vision:

 inception phase:


 actors are usually thought of as human beings,but they may be also other system,timer and clocker,or hardware devices.actors stimulate the system and are the initiators of events;they also can recieve stimuli from the system and in this case are considered passive.

(2)events list and events table:

external events and internal events

(3)business rules

4)chapter 4:use-cases

(1)getting to use-cases

features->event list->event table->use-cases

(2)happy.alternative.expective pathway(I don't know them.)

(3)shadow use-cases:

the use-cases that not a "functional  requirement".

they includes:security,parameter maintenance,audit,archiving,architecture infrastructure

This is a question:Are there use-cases involving the struts framwork?

(4)the increment plan for the project

this is the end of inception  phase,the result is requirement model.

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chapter 5 class

1.This is the begin of the elaboration phase.

2.this chapter tell us how to build a class diagram,includes identifing the class,three typies of class:entity,boundary,control class,relationship of classes.

3.I have seen the jsp is a special boundary class that extends from servlet.

the fruit at the end of this chapter is the analysis model.

I found a difference between the traditional model and the Unifield Process:  traditional model:analysis phase:event table,use-cases,class diagram,interaction diagram,state diagram;design phase:design class diagram,database,interface.

Unifield Process:first inception phase:events table,use-cases,increment plan;

elaboration phase:class diagram,dynamic diagram(interaction,state...),database,interface...

Maybe,I havn't uderstood the Unifield Process really.

chapter 6 building prototype

1.this chapter is in the elaboration phase.

2.tell us:

  1)how to build a user interface prototype?

  2)screen structure chart

  3)get feedback from user which studing the user interface prototype.

chapter 7 dynamic diagram the elaboration phase

2.tell us:

  how to build all kinds of dynamic diagram:interaction diagram(sequence diagram,collaboration diagram),state diagram,activity diagram,and some non-UML in the design named usage matrices.

3.A sentence in the end of chapter 8 that is:After the requirements have been solidified and the design work has begun, three architectures must be considered.from this sentence,I knew the fruit in the chapter 7 is the result of traditional analysis phase.

chapter 8 exection architecture design the elaboration phase

2.the java,jsp,j2ee,javabean,EJB,all of these concrete technique are presented in this chapter,the result of this chapter is exection architecture  of the project.

3.the system structure:

there are six logical tier:

Presentation Services,Business Context Services,Business Rule Services,Data Translation Services,Data Access Services,Database Services

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the summary of chapter 9-12

chapter 9 data persistence: store object the elaboration phase the relationship to the ralation database:

simple Association,inheritance,generalization/specialization,aggregation and composition,reflexive
