the outline of javauml

1.unified process:

1)at a minimum,all process will produce class,sequence,and use-case diagram;

2)chapter 2:

this chapter examines how uml,coupled with a sound software process model,such as the unified process,can produce...ever-changing...

3)chapter 3:establishing the project vision:

 inception phase:


 actors are usually thought of as human beings,but they may be also other system,timer and clocker,or hardware devices.actors stimulate the system and are the initiators of events;they also can recieve stimuli from the system and in this case are considered passive.

(2)events list and events table:

external events and internal events

(3)business rules

4)chapter 4:use-cases

(1)getting to use-cases

features->event list->event table->use-cases

(2)happy.alternative.expective pathway(I don't know them.)

(3)shadow use-cases:

the use-cases that not a "functional  requirement".

they includes:security,parameter maintenance,audit,archiving,architecture infrastructure

This is a question:Are there use-cases involving the struts framwork?

(4)the increment plan for the project

this is the end of inception  phase,the result is requirement model.

22:06 05-1-5 p111

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chapter 5 class

1.This is the begin of the elaboration phase.

2.this chapter tell us how to build a class diagram,includes identifing the class,three typies of class:entity,boundary,control class,relationship of classes.

3.I have seen the jsp is a special boundary class that extends from servlet.

the fruit at the end of this chapter is the analysis model.

I found a difference between the traditional model and the Unifield Process:  traditional model:analysis phase:event table,use-cases,class diagram,interaction diagram,state diagram;design phase:design class diagram,database,interface.

Unifield Process:first inception phase:events table,use-cases,increment plan;

elaboration phase:class diagram,dynamic diagram(interaction,state...),database,interface...

Maybe,I havn't uderstood the Unifield Process really.

chapter 6 building prototype

1.this chapter is in the elaboration phase.

2.tell us:

  1)how to build a user interface prototype?

  2)screen structure chart

  3)get feedback from user which studing the user interface prototype.

chapter 7 dynamic diagram the elaboration phase

2.tell us:

  how to build all kinds of dynamic diagram:interaction diagram(sequence diagram,collaboration diagram),state diagram,activity diagram,and some non-UML in the design named usage matrices.

3.A sentence in the end of chapter 8 that is:After the requirements have been solidified and the design work has begun, three architectures must be considered.from this sentence,I knew the fruit in the chapter 7 is the result of traditional analysis phase.

chapter 8 exection architecture design the elaboration phase

2.the java,jsp,j2ee,javabean,EJB,all of these concrete technique are presented in this chapter,the result of this chapter is exection architecture  of the project.

3.the system structure:

there are six logical tier:

Presentation Services,Business Context Services,Business Rule Services,Data Translation Services,Data Access Services,Database Services

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12:18 05-1-11


the address of this OR

13:39 05-1-11


the summary of chapter 9-12

chapter 9 data persistence: store object the elaboration phase the relationship to the ralation database:

simple Association,inheritance,generalization/specialization,aggregation and composition,reflexive



  This week,I have learned chapter 7-10 of this book,this is the second time  learning it.

  There are four typies of diagram in OO analysis.They are class diagram,use-case diagram,interaction diagram(sequence diagram or collaboration diagram),state diagram.

  I have a question is if struts class should be imported in at this phase.I learned a book there is a seqence diagram,it includes struts class.But,I think,we should know what should we do in the analysis phase.the result should be used in any oop design,for,I think struts class shouldn't be imported at this time,but design phase.

  The state diagram is used to create method in a class.But I don't know it clearly.

  After analysis phase,We should choose a plan according with the environment and post it to the manage department.

  In design phase,the package diagram is used to dividing sub this phase,We should use state diagram to write pseudocode of a method's logic of a class.

  The most valuable knowledge come from chapter 10--datebase design for me.especially oodb.The ability of OODB is exciting for me.It can support self definition data type and inheritance and other new charactor that relation db can't support.I should learn it later.

  In our LD project,We should use another db type it between relation db and oo db called hybrid object-relational DBMS.

  In hybrid object-relational DBMS,if there are several child class for a parent class. the child class can be processed in two is using a table that represent a super set of all these class,another is every child class is a table and the key of this table is outer-key(I can't understand it).

learning english with reading it loudly

  Today,when I was writing something in english,there was a word I can't write it,searching it by e-dictionary,suddenly,an inspiration presented in my mind:if I knew its pronunciation,I will remember it very stable.

  So,from now,I will learn english by combining the reading with voice,speaking,writing,hearing.I think,only in this way can I learn english faster.In fact,this type of english learning method has been summarized long long ago,but I haven't digested it.

new concept english learning

lesson 88 Trapped in a mine

1.If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil,they would have  completed the job in a few hours.

2.keep in touch with... out of...

4.lose heart

lesson 89 A slip of the tongue

1.need not have felt disappointed...

2.who should have appeared

3....what the poor man should have said,but what he actually said was...

lesson 90 What's for supper?

be frightened out of their wits,

english learning:preterit and pluperfect

I alway confuse preterit and pluperfect.A friend reminded me last week in a reply letter in english.

I looked at an english grammar today,it say the main differentia are:

1.It exists time adverbial after the action in the preterit sentence,but no time adverbial at place in the pluperfect sentence.

2.We concern the result or effect of the action mainly in the pluperfect sentence but action itself in the preterit sentence.

learning new concept english

lesson 40 Food and talk

1.Will be seeing it? (Ask the question with future-proceeding model,especially wan't another make a defined answer,can express a euphemism deeper than common future model.P182)

2.If you ate more and talked less,we would both enjoy our dinner.(non-real condition sentence.P183)

Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat?(P186)

1.I regretted saying...

2.You needn't have said that...

3.remind sb. of sth.

4.A man can never have too many ties.

8:22 05-1-4

new concept english lesson 78.79

lesson 78 The last one?

1.keep on doing

2.make no effort

lesson 79 By air used to doing sth.

2.only on one occasion have I ever felt frigntened.

lesson 80 The Crystal Palace

1.on arriving in England all

lesson 81 Escape


1.Working rapidly in the darkness,he soon changed into the dead man's cloths.

2.Then,jumping into the car,he drove off as quickly as he could.

Lesson 82 Manster or fish? ordinary fish

2.made every effort

7:28 05-1-6

lesson 84 on strike due to begin some extent

lesson 85 Never to old to learn

1.contribute towards one's honour

Today,I found I was very unwilling to hear the new concept english text.Maybe it's not very interesting.but,I think I should persist to finish the hearing of all the text in this book.Maybe I found it a bit difficult so I was afraid to hear it,so,before the hearing,I can see it's content again.On the other hand,I think I should buy a radio for hearing english.and,reading LongMan english dictionary maybe is a interesting thing,I will try it from today.

learn <>,<>

  This week,I have learned chapter 7-14 of this book,this is the second time  learning it.

  There are four typies of diagram in OO analysis.They are class diagram,use-case diagram,interaction diagram(sequence diagram or collaboration diagram),state diagram.

  I have a question is if struts class should be imported in at this phase.I learned a book there is a seqence diagram,it includes struts class.But,I think,we should know what should we do in the analysis phase.the result should be used in any oop design,for,I think struts class shouldn't be imported at this time,but design phase.

  The state diagram is used to create method in a class.But I don't know it clearly.

  After analysis phase,We should choose a plan according with the environment and post it to the manage department.

  In design phase,the package diagram is used to dividing sub this phase,We should use state diagram to write pseudocode of a method's logic of a class.

  The most valuable knowledge come from chapter 10--datebase design for me.especially oodb.The ability of OODB is exciting for me.It can support self definition data type and inheritance and other new charactor that relation db can't support.I should learn it later.

  In our LD project,We should use another db type it between relation db and oo db called hybrid object-relational DBMS.

  In hybrid object-relational DBMS,if there are several child class for a parent class. the child class can be processed in two is using a table that represent a super set of all these class,another is every child class is a table and the key of this table is outer-key(I can't understand it).

  The main content of Chapter 11,12 if I/O,control design,chapter 12 emphasis Human-Computer Interface design base on chapter 11.It present a thinking is "all is for user".HCI in OOP design can be produced from sequence diagrams.

  The part four of this book tell us knowledge about executing and support,there is chapter 13-15 in this part.

  Chapter 13 tell us RAD and component-based development.RAD cover the knowledge include tool,technique and developing model.

  The risk management of project should put in our mind when developing a project,especially take spirial development approach,like our LDP.In this chapter,I knew the struts is a object framework,like J2SE,J2EE,Hibernate,etc....I knew a object framework should be decided before detail designing also.

  Chapter 14 tell us software package and ERP.Software package schema is the tendency now.The future of ERP will include supply-chain management and business intelligence.I knew an ERP system called SAP in this chapter.

  I have read chapter 2-5 in e-book named <<javauml>> roughly.

  From these chapter,I knew some knowledge below:

  1.the development flow in Unified Process is a spirial development approch;

  2.the working flow in an iteration of project is:collect requirement->event list->use-cases diagram->class diagram...

  3.there is a type of use-case named shdow use-cases,it includes:Security,Audit,Parameter,Maintenance,Archiving,Architecture Infrastructure.

  4.the jsp page is a boundary class that we could indirectly say it will be java classes implementing the servlet inerface.

  next week,I will finish the last chapter of <<system analysis and design>>,and read the remainder content of <<javauml>> roughly.

  We will learn system analysis and design when processing our new learning platform project.

learn english summary last week

  I wanted to buy a radio to learn english,but,the friend said the radio in our area has bad effection and few frequency channels because we lie in SiChuan Basin,so I discarded this mind,and will practice hearing english using tape player.

  I suggested friends in LDDG who want learn english communiting in english at our website when processing our project.

  I found hearing english type on walk has a bad effection,so I decide practice hearing english at morning and evening,I should hear every word in the text clearly.