2、所有目标>>我进行中的目标>>目标:建设“学习日记”我的日记列表>>选了3篇帖子发到七个java站 (0篇)http://www.learndiary.com/disDiaryContentAction.do?searchDiaryID=&goalID=1281&naviStr=a10a60a05
import the source code to our cvs repository
I have fixed the structure of our cvs repository after consulting a friend of LDDG.
yesterday,I have sent the notice of restarting the development of our Learndiary Open Source Project to the friends of LDDG.
prepare to re-start our mission
I have done some things for re-starting our mission.
1.learning to use tigris's tool;
2.doing a prototype of developing way of our mission;
3.Because of the restrict of cvs,I can't really remove a improper directory or file in cvs repository,so I should think the directories structure very carefully;
4.Which language should be used?Chinese or English?
5.Which license to be used?
Our project on tigris.org have gained approval
Yesterday,I found it.This maybe is a good new begin for our project.But,I think there is too long way to go for us.Good luck!
return the work
Three weeks before,I applied for an Open Source Software Engineering Project at www.tigris.org.It has not been approved.I think,I can learn something from this.
I plan to do a design with UML for the filesharing module.
I think that giving up all other learning except my main aim absolutely is not very proper-like flavouring versus food.
make an analysis for File Sharing Module
Last month,Spring Festival,everyone was busy,include me.And,I have spent too many time to choose a UML tool but not the UML itself.a failure.
The only thing I have made is doing an analysis UML model for File Sharing Module.Detail information is in:http://www.learndiary.com/disDiaryContentAction.do?goalID=882
This will be the last diary I writing here.
study developing method of our new platform
SA/SD,OOP,COP,all is the developing method of a software project.But,which method should we take?and what fruits will be resulted in the end of analysis and design phase?I asked our member and advisor with these question,and got some reply last week.
We have received few advice about global operating model of our new learning platform until today.I think,we should use all kinds of mean which include research table,bbs meeting,etc... to collect the system requirement.
start the first iteration of our project
yestoday,replied several friends' email.started the first iteration of our new learning platform.The first step is system requirement analysis.
In order to produce a transparent development flow and learn english,I suggested members of our group communicating at website in english.Created a goal named "our on-line mails collection" that can replace common email with the message at our website.
上周开始在学习<<系统分析与设计>> 这本书的同时,学习javauml这本软件工程的电子书,为协助需求分析设计队队长J_Key的工作作准备。