




开发环境配置:Eclipse3.0.2, Hibernate2.0, MYSQL数据库。

              打开MYSQL Command Line Client(MYSQL 服务器的客户端交互程序),


              的密码。显示登录成功。创建数据库,此处命名为:learndiary. 输入

              use learndiary,起用此数据库; 注意以分号结尾。创建表:temp.


              id bigint, name char(15), value char(30), description text.

              将hibernate.jar, hibernate-tools.jar包考贝到你所要测试的项目的lib



Daughter is growing

1.She can count number from 1 to 10,if she is happy then.But,the status isn't stable;

2.She can resite ancient poems,such as <<静夜思>>,<<鹅>>,<<锄禾>>,etc...,although the pronounciation isn't accurate.This is her mother's result:);

3.She can disguise crying if she isn't happy for something,not the real crying:)

4.Her health status is better and better than before.

give the freedom to user,form group spontaneously

1.with the XML technique,the articles of a user can be process freely;

2.a user can build a group with several goals spontaneously,like QQ group;

3.before a user creating a goal really,a searching process should be taken for avoiding some duplicate goal;

4.Maybe,if a user build a group,a approving process should be taken for avoiding some duplicate or improper group to be found.

a difficut:struts module

For my viewpoint,struts module should be a useful technique.It offer a framework to resolve a important aspect of OOP.

So,I think we can import this technique in our future Learndiary Version for extension goal.And,I have tried to use this in fileSharing trial system(there are problem in this using for my inapprehension on this technique.)

But,from some resource of learning it,I found there are many restricts on this-all of a module:include action,jsp,messageresource,datasource...,are added the module prefix automatically!e.g.,a path of jsp is:/WEB-INF/amodule/test.jsp,it will be /amodule/WEB-INF/amodule/test.jsp.And,the action is so too.

I feel the struts module is a bit complex.

summary of 2005.8.1-8.5



I found a problem,if an error has ever been made,the same error is often made.So,every day and every weekend,we should review the knowledge learnt at the previous day and current week.