
  原来,我用eclipse2.1提交文件时,在源码中的头部信息如:“// $ Id:,v 1.3 2005/12/18 13:49:06 dashing_meng Exp $”就会自动更新版本和时间,可是,在最近的代码提交中,我发现它不起作用了。






  当初,不会用cvs,不知怎么搞的把*.jsp,*.tld这样的文本文件设置成了-kb(二进制文件的设置),结果,文件头部的“关键字”说明不起作用(从中可以看出,关键字说明只对文本文件有用)。例如:// $Id: readyCreateGoal.jsp,v 1.4 2005/12/30 13:12:44 dashing_meng Exp $ 不会自动更新了。我也是在发现它不能自动更新后才发觉这个低级错误的。




"import" meet "\" problem

cvs import learndiary\old learndiary initial

error message says I have no write access to cvs authority.

But,I own the write authority to cvs.

Later,change "\" into "/",like below:

cvs import learndiary/old learndiary initial

That's ok.

can't remove a directory in cvs repository really

A 'remove' command to be used at cvs client can't really remove a directory in cvs repository,and,if it is a file to be removed,it only removes this file to a folder named 'Attic'.

I don't know why CVSNT cannot be installed on my computer,so I can't use wincvs and test cvs function in eclipse,and can't test JCVS yet.So,using command-line cvs client is a proper choice of mine,I can do some test before I upload my changes to cvs server.

can the CVS operate a non-text file?

for example:a image or sound or a sort of uml file?I knew the change of a text file can be recognized by the CVS and can be limited a change in some lines.

but,I think a non-text file should there is not return character and new-line character in it.