原来,我用eclipse2.1提交文件时,在源码中的头部信息如:“// $ Id: DispatchPageAction.java,v 1.3 2005/12/18 13:49:06 dashing_meng Exp $”就会自动更新版本和时间,可是,在最近的代码提交中,我发现它不起作用了。
当初,不会用cvs,不知怎么搞的把*.jsp,*.tld这样的文本文件设置成了-kb(二进制文件的设置),结果,文件头部的“关键字”说明不起作用(从中可以看出,关键字说明只对文本文件有用)。例如:// $Id: readyCreateGoal.jsp,v 1.4 2005/12/30 13:12:44 dashing_meng Exp $ 不会自动更新了。我也是在发现它不能自动更新后才发觉这个低级错误的。
change log message of file in cvs repository:admin
We can use the command "admin" to achieve this goal,eg.,if we want modify the log message of revision1.2 of the file called "test.txt",and this file resides in directory "source",we can do it like this:
cd source
cvs -d :pserver:username@cvs.tigris.org:/cvs admin -m 1.2:"modified log message" test.txt
we can performance common cvs operation in eclipse
checkout the files into a eclipse2.1 project,then I can do some common cvs operation:sychronize,commit,update...,but,can't performance another operations like:admin...
why can't view a *.doc file in our cvs repository
Today,iuking upload a *.doc file into our cvs repository.but,I can't view this file at our http://learndiary.tigris.org direct unless view this file from checkouted files.
We can see a *.gif file at website direct,but,why does above happen?
"import" meet "\" problem
cvs -d:pserver:name@cvs.tigris.org:/cvs import learndiary\old learndiary initial
error message says I have no write access to cvs authority.
But,I own the write authority to cvs.
Later,change "\" into "/",like below:
cvs -d:pserver:name@cvs.tigris.org:/cvs import learndiary/old learndiary initial
That's ok.
I don't know the parameters:brunch tag in "import"
I don't know the usage of these parameters,so maybe have a misuse in our cvs repository when I import the source code several days ago.
can't remove a directory in cvs repository really
A 'remove' command to be used at cvs client can't really remove a directory in cvs repository,and,if it is a file to be removed,it only removes this file to a folder named 'Attic'.
I don't know why CVSNT cannot be installed on my computer,so I can't use wincvs and test cvs function in eclipse,and can't test JCVS yet.So,using command-line cvs client is a proper choice of mine,I can do some test before I upload my changes to cvs server.
can the CVS operate a non-text file?
for example:a image or sound or a sort of uml file?I knew the change of a text file can be recognized by the CVS and can be limited a change in some lines.
but,I think a non-text file should there is not return character and new-line character in it.