Print screen
"Print Screen SysRq" is used to copy entire screen to clipboard;
"Alt" + "Print Screen SysRq" is used to copy the active window in screen to clipboard;
I have lost conficence of using ArgoUML in project
ArgoUML0.19.2 can't open the file created by ArgoUML0.18.1.It hited my heart again.Although,I am very like ArgoUML,but,my main goal is to learn UML,not a tool.If this tool has stop my learning UML and our project,I have to discard it saddly.
The real goal of ArgoUML is practicing technique,or proffering it to general user?
I think,a software is a good software only if it is used by many special user.
finished Lesson 38 of NCE
These days,there is a trouble with me,the learning maybe be slowed down,but can't stop.
why can't view a *.doc file in our cvs repository
Today,iuking upload a *.doc file into our cvs repository.but,I can't view this file at our http://learndiary.tigris.org direct unless view this file from checkouted files.
We can see a *.gif file at website direct,but,why does above happen?
the usage of "xcopy" command
庇寒居(38041396) 18:54:17
在Dos 下面如何把整张光盘copy ,连目录带文件
JAVAFANS(16034992) 18:57:11
xcopy e:\ d:\cdfiles\ /s /a
"import" meet "\" problem
cvs -d:pserver:name@cvs.tigris.org:/cvs import learndiary\old learndiary initial
error message says I have no write access to cvs authority.
But,I own the write authority to cvs.
Later,change "\" into "/",like below:
cvs -d:pserver:name@cvs.tigris.org:/cvs import learndiary/old learndiary initial
That's ok.
I don't know the parameters:brunch tag in "import"
I don't know the usage of these parameters,so maybe have a misuse in our cvs repository when I import the source code several days ago.
import the source code to our cvs repository
I have fixed the structure of our cvs repository after consulting a friend of LDDG.
yesterday,I have sent the notice of restarting the development of our Learndiary Open Source Project to the friends of LDDG.