can't remove a directory in cvs repository really

A 'remove' command to be used at cvs client can't really remove a directory in cvs repository,and,if it is a file to be removed,it only removes this file to a folder named 'Attic'.

I don't know why CVSNT cannot be installed on my computer,so I can't use wincvs and test cvs function in eclipse,and can't test JCVS yet.So,using command-line cvs client is a proper choice of mine,I can do some test before I upload my changes to cvs server.

2 thoughts on “can't remove a directory in cvs repository really”

  1. Our cvs reposity is come from a open source community,we can't login cvs server to delete some directly,except cvs command:remove...

    So,we must be very careful when we add something into our cvs respository,especially a dircetory.

    This is a shortage of CVS itself.I know there is another tool named 'Subversion' has resolved this problem.

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