CDlinux 0.6.2 Usage Summary

CDlinux is a compact distribution of GNU/Linux. The name is a synonymous of “Compact Distro Linux”. It is small in size, yet rich in features. System rescuring and maintaining should be its strong suit. It has good customization ability, you can extend or tail it to the system you wish. And, it was said its author is an ethnic chinese, the chinese support of CDlinux is perfect. I have ever tried its old CDlinux-0.5.9 version (a Beta version), I feel CDlinux has improved much in CDlinux-0.6.2 version. So, what is the CDlinux’s good performance? Several diaries later I will make a summary about the usage of CDlinux-0.6.2, for recording and refering.

I will split the content into three diaries for rich content. Add its link below after I finish a diary.

1, CDlinux 0.6.2 Installation
Include: Install CDlinux into hard disk, into USB disk, and re-build CDROM ISO image file, etc..

2, CDlinux 0.6.2 Configuration and Software Installation
Include: Configure CDlinux to fit your hardware environment, add softwares you need into CDlinux, keep your variable data in CDlinux, use swap partition (or swap file) in CDlinux, make modules and packages, etc..

3, CDlinux 0.6.2 Practice
Include: Maintain soft-raid and LVM, scan and kill virus, maintain Windows system, etc..

Compare to its previous 0.5.x version, CDlinux has more documentation (but, I think users will still need much more documentation), there is detail information about its characteristic in its official homepage, I sugguest you read its FAQ carefully at first. The version I used in these diaries is CDlinux 0.6.2 Standard you can download it from its Download page. The CDlinux 0.6.2 Community version has more full-scale desktop applications, and CDlinux 0.6.2 Mini only includes command line tools, these different versions are similar in the usage.

Because I have limited knowledge about Linux and CDlinux, I desire you point out my mistakes so I can correct them. Thanks.

The next will be the first diary of this CDlinux 0.6.2 diaries series: CDlinux 0.6.2 Installation.


[…] is the first diary of CDlinux-0.6.2 Usage Summary diaries series, the next will be: CDlinux-0.6.2 Configuration and Software […]

[…] is the second diary of CDlinux 0.6.2 Usage Summary diaries series, the previous is: CDlinux 0.6.2 Installation, and the next will be: CDlinux 0.6.2 […]

[…] 0.9.0 released at December 19, 2008 when I was writing this CDlinux 0.6.2 Usage Summary diaries series. The releasing spead of CDlinux is so fast. Just like its jet plane logo: […]

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