Install MobileMate virtual machine

We have created MobileMate VMware and VirtualBox virtual machine. You only need to import these virtual machine and can use it directly.

MobileMate VMware virtual machine

First, you need download and install VMware virtual machine. We recommand VMware Player, the latest VMware Player is free for non-commercial use, there are Windows and Linux edition. You can download them here. Because MobileMate VMware virtual machine is created with VMware Player 3.1.4, so it should work in VMware Player 3.1.4 or later.

Then, download MobileMate “VMware Virtual Machine” file “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VMware.tar.gz” at: MobileMate download page. Uncompress the file, go into folder “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VMware”, double click the file “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VMware.vmx” to run MobileMate in the VMware Virtual Machine.

After you have run it once, when you restart the VMware Player, you will see it in the left of the window. Single click the item “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VMware”, click “Edit virtual machine settings” to adjust the options, e.g., memory, number of processors, add hard disk(adding SCSI disk is available), etc..

You can share the host files with MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VMware guest. Go to “Options”→“Shared Folders” in the “Virtual Machine Settings” window, you can add or remove the shared folders of host, you can do it even you are running the MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VMware.

MobileMate VirtualBox virtual machine

First, you need download and install VirtualBox virtual machine. It is an Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh(Mac OS X), and Solaris hosts. You can download them here. Because MobileMate VirtualBox virtual machine is created with VirtualBox 4.1.26, so it should work in VirtualBox 4.1.26 or later.

Then, download MobileMate “VirtualBox Virtual Machine” file “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VirtualBox.ova” at: MobileMate download page. Start VirtualBox, click menu item “File”→“Import Appliance…”, click “Choose..”, select your downloaded file, click “Open”, then “Next”, in the “Applicance Import Settings” window, you can change some virtual machine options here, e.g., CPU, RAM, Virtual Disk Image place, etc., then select “Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards” checkbox at the bottom of window, click “Import”, click “Agree”, then, “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VirtualBox” virtual machine will appear at left of the VirtualBox main window. We have finished import the MobileMate VirtualBox virtual machine now.

You can continue configure virtual machine here. Single click the item “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VirtualBox” at the left of VirtualBox window, click “Settings” at the top toolbar to adjust the options, e.g., “Sytem”→“Processor”, “Storage”→“SATA Controller”→click its right second green “+” to “Add Hard Disk”, etc..

You can share the host files with MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VirtualBox guest. In the above “MobileMate-0.1a42.1-VirtualBox - Settings” window, click left “Shared Folders”→click the right green “+” to “Add Shared Folder (Ins)”, after you selected “Folder Path”, the “Folder Name” will be added automatically, you can edit the “Folder Name”, but the white space is not allowed in the name. And, you must select “Auto-mount” checkbox otherwise your shared folders will not be mounted automatically when the MobileMate guest boot.

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