Reason of join the developing MobileMate

  • Make open source more useful together. Our project maybe will benefit many people in the world, maybe we will fell a great sense of achievement;
  • Learning Linux customizing and Bash scripting together. I only customized auto-mounting disk and do some internationalizing work based on TinyCore Linux, but I spent a lot of time and energy. I can't despise any Linux distribution from then. And, simple Bash scripting also make me terribly defeated sometimes, e.g., file name passing. See also: Build MobileMate;

If you agree with our project goal, and is an active developer of MobileMate, and in the MobileMate work you have been validated your special skill can resolve special question for people, you can apply for adding you into our Consulting MobileMate developers list. You can contact project founder littlebat via email: dashing.meng<at> currently.

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