2013-07-02 17:28:51 MobileMate V0.1 Packages List: 1, TinyCore Linux 3.x tcz packages: Detail of these tcz packages see: http://www.tinycorelinux.net/3.x/tcz/ . Most of these packages' files are located in /usr/local, but a few of them are located in /usr. acl alsa alsa-modules- atk attr base-locale bash bc-1.06.94 cairo coreutils-ls curl expat2 flac fltk-1.3 fltk_projects_unicode flwm_topside_unicode fontconfig gamin gdk-pixbuf2 glib2 gmp graphics-libs-1 grep gtk2 hicolor-icon-theme input-joystick- lame liba52 libao libasound libattr libcap libcdaudio libcddb libcdio libmad libogg libpci libsndfile libstartup-notification libvorbis libxcb libxcb-util libxft libxml2 lxde-icon-theme mktemp mylocale(generated by getlocale.sh in tcz package getlocale.tcz) ncurses ncurses-common ntfs-3g openjpeg openssl-0.9.8 pango pci-utils pcmanfm pcmanfm-locale pixman readline sed sgmixer shared-mime-info twolame urxvt vorbis-tools xfonts-wqy-song Xorg-7.5-bin Xorg-7.5-lib xvid yasm 2, Customized Packages: Located in /opt/custom. ffmpeg(Libav) mplayer opencore-amr x264 zenity 3, MobileMate Located in /opt/mobilemate. Note: Real running packages maybe differ from this list slightly.