Customizing TinyCore Linux

Customizing TinyCore Linux includes customizing kernel compiling options, customizing system behavior, installing extra packages, internationalizing TinyCore Linux desktop enviornment. All the source and development files can be downloaded at MobileMate 0.1 Source. The README.txt file explains the usage of every file. Some main changes of system file listed below:

For auto-mounting:

For desktop environment internationalizing:


And, the main changes of kernel compiling options is: Keep “CONFIG_HAVE_IDE=y” and set “CONFIG_IDE is not set”, dropped IDE support(so “hda” became “sda”, and CD became “sr0”, “sr1”,…), added PATA and NLS_CODEPAGE_936 modules. For compiling kernel under TinyCore Linux, you need install tcz packages: compiletc, perl5, coreutils, xz. See also TinyCore Linux Wiki: Custom Kernel.

And, for reducing the system size, cut non-chinese locale(MobileMate 0.1 only supports english and chinese), cut almost all static libraries and development files.