====== Customizing TinyCore Linux ====== Customizing TinyCore Linux includes customizing kernel compiling options, customizing system behavior, installing extra packages, internationalizing TinyCore Linux desktop enviornment. All the source and development files can be downloaded at [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/mobilemate/files/0.1/src/|MobileMate 0.1 Source]]. The README.txt file explains the usage of every file. Some main changes of system file listed below: For auto-mounting: * /opt/custom/bin/amountcd.sh * /opt/custom/bin/amount.sh * /opt/custom/bin/doremoveblock.sh * /opt/custom/bin/writebookmarks.sh * /usr/sbin/rebuildfstab * /etc/lc2cp.tab * /etc/profile * /opt/bootlocal.sh * /tmp/98-tc.rules * /home/tc/.xsession * /etc/udev/rules.d/60-cdrom_id.rules * /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules For desktop environment internationalizing: * /opt/custom/etc/lang.conf * /usr/bin/flwm_topside_initmenu * /usr/bin/flwm_topside_makemenu * /usr/bin/flwm_topside_menu_common * /usr/bin/flwm_topside_ondemand * /usr/local/etc/flwm_topsiderc * /usr/sbin/rebuildfstab * /etc/lc2cp.tab * /etc/profile * /usr/local/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules * /usr/local/etc/gtk-2.0/im-multipress.conf * /home/tc/.fltk/Tiny Core UTF-8 porting team/fltk_projects_unicode.prefs Others: * /opt/custom/bin/mplayer.me * /etc/ld.so.conf * /opt/tcemirror * /usr/local/share/applications/*.desktop * /home/tc/.local/share/applications/* And, the main changes of kernel compiling options is: Keep “CONFIG_HAVE_IDE=y” and set “CONFIG_IDE is not set”, dropped IDE support(so “hda” became “sda”, and CD became “sr0”, “sr1”,…), added PATA and NLS_CODEPAGE_936 modules. For compiling kernel under TinyCore Linux, you need install tcz packages: compiletc, perl5, coreutils, xz. See also TinyCore Linux Wiki: [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:custom_kernel|Custom Kernel]]. And, for reducing the system size, cut non-chinese locale(MobileMate 0.1 only supports english and chinese), cut almost all static libraries and development files.